About Us
For All Your Packaging Needs
From bagging to labeling to shrink wrapping, Telesonic PAK LLC provides a selection of machines for all your packaging needs! We also offer coffee cup machines, supplies, and more. Take a look at all the products we have available.

Bernard Katz was a past long-standing member of the PMMI and President of Telesonic Packaging Corp.

The late Bernard Katz was a member of PMMI and the founder President of Telesonic Packaging Corp. His career in the packaging machinery industry began with his invention of the recirculating turbulent hot air shrink tunnel in 1952 as a method of wrapping “self-serve” packaged prepared meat products. A milestone was realized with the development of the shrink tunnel and the subsequent formulations of shrink films and opportunities for packaging machinery. He assisted Dow, Goodyear, DuPont, Grace, and PE extruders in developing specifications and applications primarily for packaged food products. However, his vision uses obviated cellophane over-wrapping for phonograph records, toys, pharmaceuticals, six packs, produce, etc.
– “I’ve never let school get in the way of my education.”
Our Telesonic Team Members
Bill Orris
Chief Engineer
Xiaofeng Shang
Owner, Managing Partner & Engineer
Robert W. Alston
Owner & Managing Member